Friday, 8 April 2011

4. Dell Peju Windows 8 Tablet

10 Hot buys - Top 10 gadgets for 2012

4. Dell Peju Windows 8 tablet

In the number 4 spot is the Dell Peju Windows 8 tablet.
Although little is known about the full specs of these gorgeous looking products, we have to expect that with Dell's track record they will be a serious competitor to this iPad and the other new wave of tablet computers.

The tablet roadmap of Dell has been leaked. It shows the upcoming Dell products of 2011 through 2012. There are at least four new tablets that Dell will be releasing in 2011 and one new tablet in 2012 Q1.

The most interesting tablet is the last one which is to be released in the first quarter of 2012. It is a Windows 8 tablet called Peju. It is interesting to note that there are news circulating around that Windows 8 release date will be at the end of 2012 or at the start of 2013. The other tablets in the queue of Dell are:
  • Dell Gallo
  • Dell Sterling
  • Dell Opus One
  • Dell Silver Oak


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